Oral Surgery Preparation: Tips And Advice

4 Tips for Preparing For Oral Surgery - Farhoumand DentistryThe preparation for oral surgeries can be daunting, but with the correct guidance and planning, it is possible to have a much smoother recovery and procedure. Santa Monica Center for Oral Surgery prioritizes patient care. Preparing yourself for any oral surgical procedure – whether it’s a dental implant, wisdom tooth extraction, or another – can have an impact on how you feel and what happens. This article includes comprehensive tips and advice that can help you prepare yourself for oral surgery.

Comprehending The Procedure

The first thing you should do to prepare for your oral surgery is understand what it involves. Your oral surgeon should be able to explain the details of your surgery.

  • The purpose of surgery
  • The steps of the procedure
  • How long is the surgery expected to last?
  • Complications, risks, and potential complications
  • Expectations regarding post-operative care

Understanding these details will reduce your anxiety and help you prepare for your procedure. Oral Surgery can provide all the information needed and answer questions.

Instructions Prior To Surgery

Your oral surgeon may give you specific instructions for pre-surgery. These guidelines are essential to a successful procedure. They also reduce the chance of complications. Pre-surgery advice includes:

  • Fasting: You may be asked to fast for a period of time prior to your surgery. This is especially true if you’ll be receiving general anesthesia. This usually involves no eating or drinking for 6-8 hrs. before the procedure.
  • Alcohol & Smoking: Do not consume alcohol or smoke for at least 24 hours before surgery. Alcohol can interfere with anesthesia.
  • Good Oral Hygiene: Maintain good hygiene in the weeks leading up to your operation. Brush and floss thoroughly and follow your surgeon’s instructions, including using special mouthwash.

Post-Surgery Recovery: Planning

Preparing yourself for recovery is just as vital as preparing you for surgery. These tips will help you to get ready.

  • Arrange for Transportation: If you’re going to be sedated (or under general anesthesia), you won’t be able to drive home. Arrange transportation from and to the surgery with a close friend or family.
  • Stockpile Supplies: Be sure to have everything you need at home. This includes all prescribed medications, as well as any over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • Prepare Comfortable Area: Set up a comfortable area in your home to allow you to rest. To help you relax, have books, DVDs, or music available, along with pillows and blankets.
  • Plan the Diet: You must consume only delicate foods following your surgery. Stock up on foods like yogurts, applesauce, mashed taters, smoothies, and soups. Avoid eating spicy, crunchy, or hot foods, as they can irritate and aggravate the surgical area.
  • Clean Up Your Schedule: Take a break from work and school for a week or two after the surgery. This will let you relax and avoid unnecessary anxiety.

The Day of Surgery

Follow these tips for a successful surgery:

  • Arrive early: Arrive at the Santa Monica Center for Oral Surgery no later than fifteen minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. This will afford you the opportunity to decompress and finish any required paperwork prior to your procedure.
  • Wear Comfortable clothing: Dress comfortably and loosely. Avoid wearing jewelry or any other accessories.
  • Take a Companion: A family member or a close friend can be a great support to you and make sure you are able to safely return home after your procedure.

Post-Surgery Aftercare

After surgery, it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions closely in order to promote healing.

  • Control Pain and Swelling: Use ice to reduce swelling and pain. Apply ice packs for 20-minute intervals, followed by 20-minute breaks.
  • Rest & Hydrate: Stay hydrated through the water. Avoid strenuous physical activities for a minimum of a few weeks.
  • Check for Complications: Be aware of signs that indicate complications (such as excessive bleeding), severe pain, fever, or signs of infection (redness, swelling, or discharge). Santa Monica Center for Oral Surgery can be reached immediately by calling if these symptoms occur.


The key to having a positive experience with oral surgery is to be well prepared and to follow the pre- and after-surgery instructions. By planning ahead, understanding the procedure, and adhering closely to the surgeon’s guidelines and instructions, you can reduce your risk and achieve a quicker recovery. Santa Monica Center for Oral Surgery offers the best possible care and support for your entire surgical journey. Contact them with your questions or concerns so that you can be fully prepared for surgery.